Beautiful pics of Helene Fischer and Claudia Wells feet & legs
People who enjoy low-grade rivalries in pop may find it exciting to know that Katy Perry beat Taylor Swift out to become Forbess most-paid music woman for the year 2018. It's further down Forbes' listing of 10, where the intrigue really is and could lead to an opponent. In the 8th spot, just behind Rihanna and atop both Celine Dion and Britney Spears is Helene Fischer. Who? The German-Russian actress has a very tight lip. She would like to be a woman of everywoman. In all of her interviews she only says that she likes artisanal butter. Her lover, who is a German television star was amazed to see her tattooed image in his forearm. Fischer 34, in more tame biographical terms, is a star of Germanys Schlager Scene. Its sound is directed in two distinct directions. In the first, there is an oompah-like bierhalle bop that is a snarl of concern to boozebabes and Bundesrepublik. Fischer embodies its foil the faithful woman who's heart skips and breath stops as she contemplates her beloved man who plays on her femininity to enthrall his instincts of protection. Schlager turned to more traditional songs to counter the Western pop that had infiltrated Germany. Its popularity is being bolstered by the rise of baby boomers, and even over. Fischer's Christmas shows feature a massive all-star spectacle that make Jools' Annual Hootenanny appear as if it were Club X on the channel 4. In its down-home sensibilities Schlager is country musics the spiritual twin of Country music and Fischer has re-launched it with the swagger of synth pop like she was a German Taylor Swift. But where Swifts change in her style was cool, it's impossible to express how little the critics love Fischers rather terrible music.
Claudia Wells is an American actress who was born in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia but grew up in San Francisco CA. Wells achieved celebrity status by acting as Jennifer Parker Marty McFly in the 1985 Back to the Future film. Wells was also a co-star on Stop the Madness, a music video about drugs that was commissioned by the Reagan Administration featuring well-known actors, musicians and athletes. In 1985, she starred as the main role in the television movie Babies Having Babies. This was a TV version of Fast Times from 1982. Claudia was an actress who's career was on a steady upward trajectory to success as an actor for a while and then took a brief rest when she found out she had a mother with cancer. That tragic experience spurred her toward taking an active role in charities the most recent of which is called So far, Claudia has accumulated more than 50 credits in both theatre and in film, however she considers her true professional career in the field of entertainment onscreen to be a long way off her as she seeks out gritty roles that shy away from convention and push the boundaries. Claudia Wells is a fine male clothing store known as Armani Wells. You can find out more by visiting the site

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